Death’s Door is a drama that takes you from here to eternity. Don’t miss this exciting life changing event on October 23rd, 24th, or 25th at 7 pm each night. Doors will open at 6 pm. A ticket is not needed for a child during the Alternate Children’s service, only for the Auditorium. Nursery will be available for younger children.
Click HERE to see inside Death’s Door Drama.
Order your free tickets today:
Death’s Door is a drama that takes you from here to eternity. Don’t miss this exciting life changing event on October 23rd, 24th, or 25th at 7 pm each night. Doors will open at 6 pm. A ticket is not needed for a child during the Alternate Children’s service, only for the Auditorium. Nursery will be available for younger children.
Click HERE to see inside Death’s Door Drama.
Order your free tickets today:
Death’s Door is a drama that takes you from here to eternity. Don’t miss this exciting life changing event on October 23rd, 24th, or 25th at 7 pm each night. Doors will open at 6 pm. A ticket is not needed for a child during the Alternate Children’s service, only for the Auditorium. Nursery will be available for younger children.
Click HERE to see inside Death’s Door Drama.
Order your free tickets today: